Sophisticated Covert Cyberattack Campaign Targets Military Contractors – DARKReading

Sophisticated Covert Cyberattack Campaign Targets Military Contractors – DARKReading

A cyberassault advertising campaign, probably bent on cyber espionage, is extrememilding the more and more refined nature of cybermenaces concentrating on protection contractors Inside the US and elsewhere.

The cowlt advertising campaign, which evaluationers at Securonix detected and are monitoring as STEEP#MAVERICK, has hit a quantity of weapons contractors in Europe in current months, collectively with probably a supplier to the US F-35 Lightning II fighter plane program.

What makes the advertising campaign noteworthy Based mostly on The safety vendor is The general consideration the assaulter has paid to operations safety (OpSec) and To Making sure their malware Is strong to detect, troublesome to take away, and difficult To evaluation. 

The PowerShell-based malware stager used Inside the assaults have “featured an array of fascinating methods, persistence methodology, counter-forensics and layers upon layers of obfuscation To cowl its code,” Securonix said in a report this week.

Unusual Malware Capabilities

The STEEP#MAVERICK advertising campaign seems to have launched in late summer time with assaults on two extreme-profile protection contractors in Europe. Like many advertising campaigns, the assault chain started with a spear-phishing e-mail that contained a compressed (.zip) fie with a shortcut (.lnk) file to a PDF doc purportedly describing agency advantages. Securonix described the phishing e-mail as being Simply like one it had encountered in a advertising campaign earlier this yr involving North Korea’s APT37 (aka Konni) menace group.

When the .lnk file is executed, it triggers what Securonix described as a “pretty huge and strong chain of stagers,” every written in PowerShell and that consists of as many as eight obfuscation layers. The malware furtherly options in depth anti-forensic and counter-debugging capabilities which embrace monitoring An prolonged itemizing of processes That …….
